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The Reacher and the Settler: A Love Story Told Through Melody

Love... It's a bit like that old record player, spinning out a tune that's both familiar and surprising maybe??!! 

Some of us, we're like those Beatles lads, always "with our heads in the clouds and our feet on the ground."

Some of us are like Kishore Kumar crooning "Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhana" we see life as a thrilling journey, each twist and turn a chance for a deeper connection. 

So with this theory, Introducing "The Reacher" as a young John Lennon, penning "Imagine" – always reaching for something more, something just beyond the horizon. They're restless, ambitious, forever chasing that elusive "something"...."And the world is turning and you're just hanging on," sings Bon Jovi, capturing the Reacher's spirit perfectly. They're not afraid to take risks, to "leap of faith" into the unknown, even if it means leaving behind the familiar and comfortable.

The Settler, on the other hand, is Paul McCartney's "Yesterday" – grounded, appreciative of the simple joys of life, content with the present, finding beauty in the everyday. As Gulzar puts it eloquently "आने वाला पल जाने वाला है हो सके तो इसमें ज़िंदग़ी बिता दो" (This moment now will be gone, cherish it while it lasts). The settler cherishes the warmth of shared moments and the comfort of routine.

But damn when these two personalities meet, it can be like a Dylan-esque clash of ideals. The Reacher's "Blowin' in the Wind" spirit might clash with the Settler's desire for nonchalant stability in "कुछ तो लोग कहेंगे, लोगों का काम है कहना..छोडो, बेकार की बातों में कहीं बीत ना जाए रैना". 

But if they can find a balance, their love story becomes a magical symphony.

The Reacher, with their boundless energy, pulls the Settler into a spontaneous dance, a whirlwind of new experiences. And the Settler, with their gentle spirit, reminds the Reacher to pause, to breathe, to appreciate the "Here Comes the Sun" moments amidst the chaos.

It's a bit like that old Bollywood classic, where the hero sings "Ek Ladki Bheegi Bhaagi Si" to his beloved, a playful tease mixed with genuine admiration. The Reacher sees the Settler's quiet strength, their unwavering loyalty, and can't help but be drawn in. In turn, the Settler is captivated by the Reacher's zest for life, their ability to turn even the mundane into an adventure. It's a push and pull, a dance of contrasts, a melody made richer by its varied notes.

And so, the song of their love unfolds. There will be verses of wild abandon, choruses of quiet contentment, maybe even a bridge or two where they question if they're truly in harmony. But through it all, there's an undercurrent of understanding, a shared rhythm that keeps them connected. Because in the end, whether you're a "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" dreamer or a "Yeh Shaam Mastani" romantic, love is about finding that someone who complements your tune, who adds their own unique melody to the mix, creating a symphony that's both beautiful and timeless. 

Lennon reassured us 
"Hey Jude, don't be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better."

So I guess get into relationships being aware of who you are and with an intention to give love unconditionally and take care of yourself a lot so that you aren't dependent and love from another partner is always a bonus and leave the rest to divine plans for "the answer my friend is blowing in the wind", always !


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