A little birdie told me (or rather, a cheeky alter ego named Mimi, my inner child whispered in my ear) that life, the universe, and everything might be a cosmic joke, why are u getting so flustered these days Ganguly?... Live a little, experience this chaos and loose the illusion that you have any control, never will.
What a hilariously absurd, mind-bendingly profound, soul-optimizing kind of joke is this , Mimi ? Is there a punchline? Well, that's where things get interesting.... Fancy a read ?
Gyaan 1# Is This Real Life, or Just Fantasy?
Mimi, ever the philosopher, wondered if reality itself might just be a simulation. Lines of code in some alien computer, dictating our every move. If that's the case, does free will even exist?
"No," Mimi declared, nonchalantly sipping her cosmic chai. "It's called bhavitavya."
Now, Mimi, despite her quirky humor, has a knack for deep insights. She believes our souls are like restless atoms, constantly rearranging themselves to achieve a state of perfect harmony with the universe. Every life, every lesson, every death, is a step closer to this ultimate optimization. Suffering? Just friction on the path to enlightenment.
Gyaan 2# The Cosmic Domino Effect
Time, according to Mimi, is just a necessary illusion. In this cosmic game, it's the scoreboard that keeps us striving for the high score: enlightenment. But if we're all on this predetermined path, where does choice come into play?
"There is no 'I, me, us, our,'" Mimi quipped. "The ice doesn't choose to melt in the heat, does it?"
Our "choices," she suggests, are merely the natural consequences of our environment, like dominoes falling one after the other. The illusion of choice is the engine that drives our efforts, honing our souls in the process.
Gyaan 3# Hide-and-Seek of Enlightenment
So, we're all players in this cosmic game of hide-and-seek, with the universe pulling the strings. The Maya, the illusion of choice, is our playground. We chase after happiness, strive for success, and grapple with suffering, all in the name of finding our perfect fit in the cosmic puzzle.
But what happens when we reach that state of optimization? Do we vanish into thin air? Become cosmic couch potatoes? Mimi, ever the little comedian, suggests we might just turn into cosmic donkeys, braying with laughter at the absurdity of it all. THIS I can relate to ..even at a metaphysical level ЁЯдг
The Donkey Diaries: A Cosmic Comedy
Mimi's musings might sound like the ramblings of a mad philosopher, but there's a strange comfort in her cosmic perspective. Life, with all its ups and downs, is just a chapter in the grand story of our soul's journey. And hey, if we're all destined to become enlightened donkeys in the end, who's to say that's not a happy ending?
In the words of Mimi herself: "Why cry in a hovel when you can cry in a Ferrari?" Perhaps the secret to enlightenment is to embrace the absurdity, laugh at our cosmic donkey-ness, and enjoy the ride. After all, it's all part of the cosmic game.
Word of Caution (or not) : This blog post is a humorous, creative interpretation of a conversation with an alter ego (or so I imagine in my maaya) ...so while inspired by my spiritual and philosophical concepts (perhaps misled, corrupt or delusion filled imagination, it is not intended to be a definitive guide to enlightenment (if you're interested in that kind of long term planning)...Always seek guidance from qualified spiritual teachers... If you find one, or if they find you, subject to Cosmic market conditions, & please read the Divine offer documents (sanchit karmic debts accepted) before proceeding towards the next birth. ЁЯдлЁЯШЙЁЯк╖
PS: Mimi(not that I had to name it), is the soul, beyond time and purposeless however bound by Karma. Manashi, is the body assigned for this slide of time loop of a lifetime. Mimi acknowledges Manashi's sufferings that arise from her desires, but she's patient while the lessons complete. Manashi is a good student, albeit lazy, this is bhavitavya too.. ✨
One of the most beautiful songs, recommended to anyone who has come so far to read the article to look this up :
|| Bhavani Stuti ||
рди рдорди्рдд्рд░ं рдиो рдпрди्рдд्рд░ं рддрджрдкि рдЪ рди рдЬाрдиे рд╕्рддुрддिрдорд╣ो
рди рдЪाрд╣्рд╡ाрдиं рдз्рдпाрдиं рддрджрдкि рдЪ рди рдЬाрдиे рд╕्рддुрддिрдХрдеा:।
рди рдЬाрдиे рдоुрдж्рд░ाрд╕्рддे рддрджрдкि рдЪ рди рдЬाрдиे рд╡िрд▓рдкрдиं
рдкрд░ं рдЬाрдиे рдоाрддрд╕्рдд्рд╡рджрдиुрд╕рд░рдгं рдХ्рд▓ेрд╢рд╣рд░рдгрдо्॥1॥
Oh! I don’t know the Mantra, the Yantra, or the Eulogies. I don’t even know how to invoke You, how to meditate on You, and even the speech behind Your eulogies. I don’t know the postures [in which to say eulogies], and I don’t know how to wail. [But] O Mother! I know that following You absolves the biggest distresses.||1||
реР рдирдоः рд╢िрд╡ाрдп ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗
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