pic source: image generated from ai on text prompt, why am I not even surprised REFLECTIONS of the MADNESS : Monologue Morning 4 am : Increasingly as life is fleeting from my body, I feel like a white dwarf star, collapsing under the weight of her own thoughts, going deep inside continuously, completely detached from the reality and universal laws & practicalities of the natural world outside. The world continues to disappoint, as I seek more within, the dependencies shudder my skin.. the growing thunderous noise of the calling from within is getting hard to ignore. "I" need to be guided and yet i resist to surrender with faith "I" want to control my destiny and yet i continue to disbelieve in miracles... And vice versa. "I" see the Maaya and yet i refuse to detach from the Moh Hopeless am I? I am what, I am that ... So then where am i? Why am I even ! When I'm trying to be everywhere I am nowhere When The "I" dissolves into ...