समवृत्ति और तटस्थता। एक शब्दों में, इन दोनों का अर्थ समान हो सकता है - सब कुछ एक जैसा देखने की कला। एक शांत और स्थिर मन के साथ समवृत्ति और दूसरे में दुख और सुख से अछूता होने के रूप में तटस्थता। दोनों ही आपको आगे बढ़ने में मदद कर सकते हैं या आपको खड़ा कर सकते हैं, या फिर इनमें से एक हो जाएँगे और आपको फिर से शुरू करने के लिए तैयार करेंगे।
Equanimity means staying calm and peaceful in all situations, without getting too caught up in the highs or sinking too low in the lows. Indifference means not caring at all. Here's a funny story to explain the difference:
Imagine you're on a rollercoaster ride. Equanimity would mean enjoying the ride without screaming your lungs out or throwing up. Indifference would mean falling asleep and snoring through the whole thing.
Another example: You're at a party and someone spills a drink on you. Equanimity would mean accepting it and finding a way to clean up without getting angry or upset. Indifference would mean not even noticing or caring that your clothes are now soaked in alcohol.
So, the key is to find the right balance between engagement and detachment. As the Latin proverb goes, "In medio stat virtus" - in the middle lies virtue.
"Udharate chittam, sahajam smaret yadi vanchati," which translates to "Lift up your mind, and if you wish to remember easily, you can sing it." While this quote is not inherently funny, the last part of it is often interpreted as a playful reminder that singing can help us remember things more easily. So, if you're having trouble maintaining equanimity in your life, maybe try singing a little tune to lift up your mood and remind yourself to stay centered!
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