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Showing posts from April, 2023

Nobody told you about this ?? 5 Very Interesting Things about Tarot !

Tarot has become so popular these days. But the psychic behind Tarot is still relatively unknown.. i would like to tell you some interesting facts about Tarot that maybe you haven't known or thought about yet, so ready?? Read on ... 1. The Death card doesn't actually mean you're going to die or something terrible will happen : This is one of the most common misconceptions about tarot. The Death card represents transformation and change, not literal death. It's one of my favourite cards and shows progress in life, for sure. 2. Sometimes the cards can be a little too on-the-nose: Have you ever had a tarot reading where the cards seemed to be almost too accurate? It can be both amusing and a little spooky when the cards seem to know exactly what's going on in your life. 3. Tarot readers don't always have all the answers: Despite what some people may believe, tarot readers don't have all the answers. Sometimes the cards can be confusing or contradict...

Business with God

pic source : internet  Here is the deal i told Shiva ...  He didn't care to bother to even open his eyes Hellos ? I'm talking to you ? Listen ok ...  He seems to be increasingly vanishing into thin air no wait where are you going, I havent even started yet pouring out my problems, i just need to tell you & you have to listen to me ok and ... He seem to say "..n then what?" you solve my problems why ? you created me no, you are the creation of your own imagination The End ???!!! Arrey, no !! Just the beginning... Got me in loops, what did he mean I'm the creation of my own imagination?? Shiva was gone. What kind of homework is this God??  I have unfinished business with God , he keeps throwing riddles at me and then says you are the one who came to me seeking questions, because your who thinks your already know it all & you just need a validation to your delusion. In conclusion, as the famous comedian Woody Allen once said, "If you want to ...

समवृत्ति ya तटस्थता (Equanimity vs Indifference)

समवृत्ति और तटस्थता। एक शब्दों में, इन दोनों का अर्थ समान हो सकता है - सब कुछ एक जैसा देखने की कला। एक शांत और स्थिर मन के साथ समवृत्ति और दूसरे में दुख और सुख से अछूता होने के रूप में तटस्थता। दोनों ही आपको आगे बढ़ने में मदद कर सकते हैं या आपको खड़ा कर सकते हैं, या फिर इनमें से एक हो जाएँगे और आपको फिर से शुरू करने के लिए तैयार करेंगे। Equanimity means staying calm and peaceful in all situations, without getting too caught up in the highs or sinking too low in the lows. Indifference means not caring at all. Here's a funny story to explain the difference: Imagine you're on a rollercoaster ride. Equanimity would mean enjoying the ride without screaming your lungs out or throwing up. Indifference would mean falling asleep and snoring through the whole thing. Another example: You're at a party and someone spills a drink on you. Equanimity would mean accepting it and finding a way to clean up without getting angry or upset. Indifference would mean not even noticing ...