At what point in life when we are growing older do we start living backwards in life ? I mean just a whole lot of nostalgia that sinks in and everything in the present looks plain vanilla... Something's wrong ... STOP!! It was supposed to get more awesome as life progressed so what faltered ... Dammit did i break my mojo or even worse, did i loose my chutzpah (thoughts from my inner child) ?? Umm, yes (says the adult in me, trying to parent me) ... because being a wise grown up requires a lot of monotonous aka mundane efforts. The routine day to day joys of nurturing a younger being in life (rolls eyes at my lack of parenting skills or not such mommy vibes). The parent in me tells my inner child, Look here Doofus ! It's not always glamorous or exciting. But it's important to remember that the extraordinary weight of ordinary things can be just as meaningful as the most exciting experiences. The things that make us feel safe and loved, like the feeling of our child...