The अनethical conundrum... Lives & Dies Why do I live like this ... in moments between those expansions and contractions of our chests, incessantly chasing happiness & running away from sadness as stuck in a loop between those inhalations and exhalations like that of a child's peaceful sleep. Once you're born, there's is no cure for it, isn't it?One has to face the accident of one's birth, sadly. Is there any emotion that is permanent in nature? Even if it's sadness, so i can rest upon it with dependability?! What if one becomes उन्मनी ? Have you heard of such a notion ? Sometimes I'm reminded of a song that goes like, देखो तो चली हैं हवा नयी दिल में फिर जला वो दिया कही ख्वाबो के जंगल में पेड़ो की शाखों से पत्ते समेटे मैं हु कई, अब तो मिलो अजनबी हैं मेरी दुआ की जब हम मिले तू देखे मुझे मेरे दोस्त एक बार यूँही जैसे मिले अजनबी हम फिर से चले, तू फिर से हँसे मैं फिर से उडू, पाऊं नयी एक ख़ुशी जैसे मिले अजनबी, जैसे मिले अजनबी This lost & f...